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ACE and Trauma-Informed Approaches in Youth Justice Services in Wales: An Evaluation of the Implementation of the ECM project – Bangor University (March 2021)


A report, executive summary and presentation in relation to the evaluation of ACE and trauma informed approaches in youth justice services in Wales.


Bangor University have published their report adverse childhood experience and trauma-informed approaches in youth justice services in Wales: an evaluation of the implementation of the enhanced case management (ECM) project (2021), executive summary and short presentation which show cases the key findings.   

The primary objectives of the evaluation are:

  • To measure change in youth justice service workers’ attitudes towards implementing trauma-informed practice (TIP), from pre- to post-training;
  • To measure change in youth justice service workers’ confidence in working with children who have histories of ACEs and trauma, from pre- to post-training;
  • To develop an understanding of the delivery of ECM as a response to cases where complex welfare issues are evident;
  • To capture the impact of ECM on youth justice processes and practice.