This section contains information, documentation and other web-based resources that youth justice services may find helpful when considering in-house evaluations or measuring the impact of a programme.
The page will soon be updated with more information you may find useful.
How to Evaluate Practice Resources
A Child First Pathfinder Evaluation: Towards a Common Prevention Approach Across Wales – Ceredigion Youth Justice and Prevention Service (2021)
Summary: Access to the final evaluation and paper concerned with gathering children- views on prevention services as published by Ceredigion Youth Justice and Prevention Service Pathfinder.
ACE and Trauma-Informed Approaches in Youth Justice Services in Wales: An Evaluation of the Implementation of the ECM project – Bangor University (March 2021)
Summary: A report, executive summary and presentation in relation to the evaluation of ACE and trauma informed approaches in youth justice services in Wales.
Guidance for the Joint Working Arrangements between youth justice services and LA Children’s Services for children in custody in Wales – Welsh Government, ADSS Cymru, YOT Managers Association Cymru and Youth Justice Board (November 2020)
Summary: Access to the guidance to support joint working arrangements between youth justice services and children services to support children in custody in Wales.