Buckinghamshire Youth Offending Service has developed a resettlement policy which outlines how practitioners can support children in effective resettlement following a custodial sentence.
Moving From ‘What we Know Works’ to ‘What we do in Practice’: An Evidence Overview of Implementation and Diffusion of Innovation in Transition to Adulthood for Care Experienced Young People – Child and Family Social Work Journal
Summary: Access to the Child and Family Social Work journal evidence review of implementation and diffusion of innovation in transitions to adulthood for care experienced young people.
Summary: Link to the Innovate project, which looks at addressing extra-familial risk and harm including child sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation, peer-on-peer harm, gang affiliation, and serious youth violence. Description: The Innovate Project is a four-year research study funded at £1.9million by the Economic and Social Research Council (one of the UK research councils),…