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Child Exploitation Risk Assessment and Management Tool – Cambridgeshire County Lines Pathfinder (April 2022)


Cambridgeshire County Council have shared their child exploitation risk assessment and management tool as well as a short review of the tool.


Cambridgeshire County Council have shared their exploitation (sexual/criminal exploitation) risk assessment and management tool, to support and ensure that those children at risk of exploitation are identified and referred to the correct support services according to their risk and vulnerability, and in a timely manner. The assessment and management tool has been created in a format that is sharable with other organisations and agencies that are involved in supporting the children. The information used is from AssetPlus, where available.

Cambridgeshire County Council undertook a review, which is also available in summary slides of their risk assessment and management tool, to establish with reference to practice elsewhere, areas of strength and areas for improvement in the use of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Child Exploitation Risk Assessment and Management Tool. The intended outcome of the review was to ensure confidence of the Child Exploitation Strategic Group in the partnership- the ability, through the tool, to accurately identify, assess and manage the risks and vulnerabilities of children resident within the county.


Cambridgeshire County Council
Clare Cook