Child First: Identifying Progress and Priorities Using a System Map – Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (October 2022)


The YJB have published a report detailing the thoughts of youth justice experts on how far we are from achieving a ‘Child First’ youth justice system as well as what more could be done to get there.


The Youth Justice Board has published brighter futures: an analysis of the youth justice system (October 2022).  This report brings together the thoughts and ideas of more than 200 experts working in and around the youth justice system.

The report looks at the responses to two questions:

  • How far are we from achieving a ‘Child First’ youth justice system?
  • What could be done to get there?

Thoughts and suggestions were gathered from experts via group sessions across England and Wales and then collated and analysed via a system map.

The aim of the exercise is to support any organisation working in or around the youth justice system to consider what steps could be taken to better utilise the evidence base of what works in preventing child offending.

The report is also available as a PDF and accessible format.