Overview and Key Components of Child First Diversion – Child First Pathfinder (May 2022)


Child First Pathfinder have shared their learning and key elements that support the creation and embedding of a child first diversion service offer for children. 


The Child First Pathfinder lead by Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service came to an end in April 2022. It focused on embedding and sharing child-first principles in diversion services for children. They have produced a webinar and webinar slides that outline all the work completed.
They have also shared the diversion service pathway, which is also available in a short video form which highlights the various steps from referral to management oversight to out of court disposal panel to diversion programmes and more. The diversion service was designed in live with key evidence-base around diversion and a child-first approach. Designing the diversion service based on evidence is a core component of running a child-first diversion offer for children and one of the ‘must have’.
The Child First Pathfinder has also created a key document, “Must Have, Should Have, Could Have” that breaks down the core components of a child-first diversion service into 3 parts:

  • “Must Have” – essential
  • “Should Have” – advisable
  • “Could Have” – optional and tailored to area and demographic

The purpose of this key document is to showcase the core elements that could be implemented in order to embed and deliver a child-first diversion service for children.

The Child First Pathfinder has also produced the following information and documentation to support other youth justice services to consider the various elements and learning in creating a child-first based diversion offer for children.

Diversion Screening and Assessment Tools – Lancashire Child First Pathfinder (April 2022)

Diversion Tracking Spreadsheet – Lancashire Child First Pathfinder (April 2022)

Youth Participation Strategy – Lancashire Child First Pathfinder (April 2022)

Diversion Referral Pathway Flowchart for Police – Lancashire Child First Pathfinder (April 2022)

Diversion Programme: DIVERT Youth – Lancashire Child First Pathfinder (May 2022)

Evaluation of Child First Diversion and Alternative Out of Court Disposals – Lancashire Child First Pathfinder (May 2022)

Valuing Youth Diversion: A Toolkit for Practitioners – Calculating Cost/Benefit of Diversion – The Centre for Justice Innovation and Lancashire Child First Pathfinder (updated 2022)


Youth Offending Service:Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service
Name:Mica Aspinwall