Constructive Resettlement: Discovery Report and Recommendations – London Resettlement Partnership and Cadence Innova (March 2021)


Discovery report and recommendations following commissioning by the London Resettlement Partnership of Cadence Innova to understand barriers to embedding constructive resettlement principles and what tools, resources and training would support embedding the constructive resettlement framework into day-to-day practice.  


Cadence Innova was commissioned by the London Resettlement Partnership to explore some of challenges for the Youth Justice Board funded constructive resettlement Pathfinder in coordinating a London wide approach to constructive resettlement, working with 32 youth justice services and strategic partners to improve outcomes for children. The discovery report looks at what may be preventing practitioners from applying constructive resettlement principles, understand what training, tools and support would be of assistance to practitioners and identify opportunities to improve embedding the constructive resettlement framework into day-to-day practice.

The resulting discovery report and recommendations are based on consultation with over 30 youth justice services, key stakeholders from the secure estate and community as well as communication with children in custody.
Key findings include:

  • Range of awareness and understanding regarding Constructive Resettlement
  • Different approaches applied across boroughs
  • Inconsistent communication methods, sharing of information between departments / practitioners
  • Lack of continuity and the creation of trusted relationship between practitioner and the child
  • Difficulties with access to children in secure estates
  • Poor or lack of technology within the secure environments
  • Different level of support children received on remand vs. in custody
  • Community roles and interactions are contributing to behaviour both inside the secure environment and on the streets
  • Inconsistent education opportunities for the children
  • Challenges placing children in suitable accommodation

To support embedding constructive resettlement at all levels of the journey, the following recommendations were made:

  • Build awareness, understanding and capability to ensure the right level of buy in, commitment, mindset and skills required to embed constructive resettlement into day-to-day practice.
  • Define an integrated, consistent approach outlining the various stages and touchpoints from a child- first interaction with youth justice services through to sustainability planning that facilitates a child- pro social (positive) identity shift.
  • Enhance cross agency collaboration to improve communication across all relevant stakeholders and sharing of key expert resources.
  • Invest in technology to enhance opportunities to build trusted relationships, enable online learning for the child whilst in custody, and create operational efficiencies.
  • Address constructive resettlement enabling elements to ensure alignment with the child- future vision


Organisation:London Resettlement Pathfinder
Name:Louise Wakelin