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County Lines Exploitation Peer Parent Webinar and Group Work Sessions for Parents and Caregivers – County Lines Pathfinder (April 2022)

Summary:County Lines Pathfinder have shared their webinar, co-created with parents, and group work sessions to support parents whose children are being criminally exploited. 


As part of their delivery of the County Lines Pathfinder, Suffolk Youth Justice Service co-produced a parent webinar, alongside parents with lived experience of county lines exploitation and have shared their summary and resources.
The purpose of the webinar is to provide a space for parents to learn about exploitation, prior to sharing the link with parents/carers, practitioners are advised to make themselves familiar with the briefing paper produced by the Pathfinder. The webinar can be watched individually, delivered as a group, or used to raise awareness with professionals about the experiences of parents.
County Lines Pathfinder have also shared their group session with parents, as well as supporting materials that can be helpful to parents around navigating fixed-term exclusions, navigating permanent exclusions and navigating education.

The Peer Parent Group materials are as follows:
Child Criminal Exploitation: Peer Parent Group Outline
Peer Parent Group session guides (for all sessions)
Parent Group: Participant Information Sheet
Group Agreement
Session One: Post information and resource
Session Two: Post information and resources
Session Three: Post information and resources
Session Four: Post information and resources
Session Five: Post information and resources
Session Six: Post information and resources


Youth Justice Service: Suffolk Youth Justice Service
 Catherine Bennett
Email: Catherine.Bennett@suffolk.gov.uk