Crime Pics II: Questionnaire for Examining children’s changes in Attitudes to Offending – Haringey YOS


CRIME PICS II questionnaire for examining and detecting changes in offenders’ attitudes to offending.


CRIME PICS II is a questionnaire for examining and detecting changes in offenders’ attitudes to offending. It has been used by academics and by a variety of public, private and voluntary sector organisations, to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitative programmes and other interventions with offenders.

The instrument offers a standardised means of measuring changes in offenders’ attitudes to offending. It can be used, alongside other measures, as a ‘before and after’ evaluative measure of changes in offenders’ thinking about crime and victims.

CRIME PICS II scores are statistically correlated with chances of reconviction, and changes in scores can be used as a proxy measure indicating a project or programme’s likely impact on reconviction.

Implementing the Practice:

  • Haringey YOS uses the tool for all of their group work which has two or more sessions
  • The tool is low cost enough that there was no commissioning or critical funding implications
  • No formal training is necessary in order to use the tool, a crib-sheet and a short 1 page guide is provided which supports the practitioners to interpret the results
  • Haringey YOS have found the tool very useful in gauging the effectiveness of group interventions
  • Haringey YOS have further created a tool to support some of the calculation and creation of graphs to interpret the data


YOT:Haringey Youth Offending Service
Name:Steve Milne 
Source Organisation:Crime Pics II
Name:Janet Whitley and Prof Terence Honess –  