Dealing with Worry and Not Knowing During Remand – Wetherby Young Offender Institution (June 2020)

Summary: Access to discussion sheets to support child who are on remand, specifically during COVID-19, produced by Wetherby young offender insitution.


Wetherby young offender institution, NHS England and Novus have co-developed materials to help support staff working with children when discussing feelings of anxiety, specifically as a result to changes to court procedures due to COVID-19.

Two versions of the same content have been provided:

  • Easy-to-read version for the children to have in their room
  • A version for resettlement practitioners, Custody Support Plans Officers and other key internal stakeholders

Implementing the practice:

  • All children with remand status in Wetherby young offender insitution have been provided a copy of the easy read version
  • Practitioners/Officers should use their version as a reference and to aid discussions with the children with remand status.


Establishment: Wetherby young offender institution
Name: Robin Dow (Youth Custody Service)