Diversion Screening and Assessment Tools – Lancashire Child First Pathfinder (April 2022)
Lancashire Child-First Pathfinder have shared the screening and assessment tool used with children who are at risk of entering the criminal justice system.
Lancashire Child First Pathfinder have shared the following tools to support practitioners to screen and, where appropriate, complete assessments with children who are at risk of entering the criminal justice system.
- Diversion Screening Tool – used with children who are at risk of entering the criminal justice system. Practitioners complete the screening tool to help consider if the child is eligible for diversion, and if appropriate complete the assessment tool.
- Diversion Assessment Tool – once Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service support is agreed, the tool is used to consider a child- strengths and what tailored support they may need. Prior to the assessment being finalised, a reflective case discussion is completed using the case planning template (to be shared in due course). Where a child is identified as having complex needs consideration is given as to whether a full AssetPlus is required.
The assessment is co-created with the child and family and then shared with other relevant agencies that are involved.
Lancashire Child First Pathfinder have also created leaflets which aim to describe child-first diversion for children and parents and partners.
If you are interested in being able to track the children on diversion, you can do so through the Diversion Tracking Spreadsheet.
Youth Justice Service: | Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service |
Name: | Mica Aspinwall |
Email: | mica.aspinwall@lancashire.gov.uk |