Diversion Strategy, Assessment Tool and Pathway Flowchart – Cheshire Diversion Pathfinder (February 2021)


Cheshire Diversion Pathfinder have shared their diversion strategy, pathway flowchart and assessment tool for working with children to support diverting them away from the criminal justice system.


Cheshire Diversion Pathfinder have shared some key documents developed and used by Cheshire youth justice service in supporting children away from the criminal justice system, where appropriate.

Cheshire Diversion Pathfinder have also run a webinar that looks at their diversion model including eligibility criteria, pathway, referral and allocation process and assessment.

Implementing the practice:

  • The pathway was developed collaboratively between the youth justice service, Cheshire Constabulary and the four Local Authorities in Cheshire sub-region with input from local clinical commissioning groups and health providers.
  • Divert assessments are undertaken by youth justice practitioners with accompanying specialist health assessments by CAMHS or Speech and Language practitioners when required.
  • The work with the children is individual to the child.


Youth justice service: Cheshire youth justice service
Name: Tom Dooks
Email: tom.dooks@youthjusticeservices.org.uk