Education First
Kent EHPS and their work with local colleges to educate young people.
Kent- Early Help and Prevention Service (EHPS) are working with a young person aged 17, on an eight month Detention and Training Order. Through liaison with the local college, Kent EHPS were able to provide the young person with some coursework material which enabled him to continue his studies and continue to progress on the course he had enrolled on prior to his Detention and Training Order whilst completing the custodial part of his sentence. This was supported by the secure estate staff.
Kent was able to support the College and the establishment to work collaboratively; and through positive communication engage the young person to continue in his original placement once he was released from custody.
Making it work:
- Kent discussed the provisional plan with the young person and parent at the initial planning meeting, and gained authorisation to contact the College.
- Kent liaised with the Safeguarding lead at the College and also had regular contact with the young person- tutors to gather the correct work.
- Positive relationships were created and maintained with the Head of Education at the secure establishment, who was able to really support the process.
For any enquiries please contact Katie Knight –