
Electronic Monitoring Operational Framework: A Reference Guide – HM Prison and Probation (October 2022)


HM Prison and Probation have published the electronic monitoring operation framework, which identifies the current availability of the range of electronic monitoring disposals, referral and enforcement processes and a provides a practical guide to tags and supporting structures.


HM Prison and Probation have published the electronic monitoring operation framework.  This document is intended to summarise key elements of existing guidance and signpost to further information on the operational use of Electronic Monitoring (EM) to assist those who will be recommending, making, monitoring and enforcing EM orders.

The document is designed to aid operational staff in understanding their role within the EM journey and the processes which should be followed to ensure that the technology is used legally, proportionately and effectively.

The framework is broken down into four key parts:

  • An introduction and general information.
  • Adult entry points for Electronic Monitoring in the Criminal Justice System.
  • Youth entry points for Electronic Monitoring in the Criminal Justice System.
  • Additional chapters containing more specific information.

Please note that due to the nature of the framework it is only accessible to youth justice services and other relevant stakeholders, through the youth justice practitioner portal, which is a restricted area for those staff that work and volunteer in youth justice services and secure establishments in England and Wales. 


Organisation:HM Prison and Probation – Electronic Monitoring Workstream
Name:Stephen Czajewski