Engagement Resource Tool ‘Let’s work together to stop offending and achieve a good life’ – West Mercia youth justice service (October 2021)


An engagement resource for working with children and their families/carers created by West Mercia youth justice service. 


West Mercia Youth Justice Service have created and established a ‘Let’s work together to stop offending and achieve a good life’ engagement tool. The tool supports children and their families through their initial stages of contact with the Service.

The tool supports children’s feeling:

  • they are being listened to,
  • they are supported in expressing their views,
  • their views are taken into account,
  • involved in the decision-making processes.

and is split into five main sections; 

  1. Getting to know you…
  2. What to expect
  3. Who can help?
  4. Who has been affected?
  5. Let’s plan together!

The tool is also used by the Service to evidence in practice that they are meeting self-assessment requirements and is discussed annually at the youth justice service Participation Group at leadership meetings and with staff to ensure that the content is still relevant and up to date.


Youth justice service:West Mercia Youth Justice Service
Name: Jayne Perkins 
Email: Jayne.perkins.wmyjs@westmercia.pnn.police.uk