Exploring Youth Justice
Exploring Youth Justice a free course that provides an overview of the youth justice system.
Exploring Youth Justice is a free course designed to give an overview of the policy and practice context for working in the youth justice system in England and Wales.
This course is mandatory for Referral Order Panel members as part of their induction training. It is also relevant for anyone who is interested in youth justice and wants a broad overview of what the system is, the young people who encounter it and the people and organisations who work in it. Potential students might be a magistrate who wants to get a better understanding of the whole system or a volunteer in a YOT Attendance Centre for example.
The course has four units:
- Unit 1: The young people
- Unit 2: History
- Unit 3: Organisation
- Unit 4: Themes
The course is run by the Unitas Academy. Its multimedia course texts are delivered online or downloadable to smartphones and tablets. You can register now to try out the Academy for free here.