Guidance: Forced Marriage Resource Pack – Home Office (February 2023)
Access to guidance produced by the Home Office for professionals working with children (and adults) to help ensure that effective support is available to victims of forced marriage.
The Home Office has published ‘Guidance: Forced Marriage Resource Pack’ (February 2023), which is an in-depth resource designed to highlight examples of best practice and to help ensure that effective support is available to victims of forced marriage. Within the resource users are able to access:
- Case studies of people who have experienced forced marriage
- Resources produced by both statutory and non-statutory organisations
- Links to support organisations and helplines which can help people who may be at risk of forced marriage
The Home Office and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office have also published ‘Guidance: The Right to Choose: Government Guidance on Forced Marriage’ (updated February 2023), which should be read together with the resource pack. This document comprises statutory guidance for heads of safeguarding organisations, and non-statutory guidance for front-line professionals, on forced marriage.