Guidance – Joint Housing Protocols for Care Leavers: Good Practice Advice – Department for Education and Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (October 2020)
Summary: | Access to the joint housing protocol for care leavers to help reduce homelessness. |
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government together with Department for Education have published a the following guidance: Joint housing protocols for care leavers: good practice advice (2020) to support councils to help ensure care leavers have the stable homes they need and prevent them becoming homeless.
The good practice guidance recommends how council housing departments and children- services should produce a joint protocol that sets out how they will work together to ensure that each care leaver has a tailored support plan as they transition to independent living, those at risk of homelessness are identified early and action is taken to prevent it, and a quick, safe and joined up response for care leavers who go on to become homeless.