HM Inspectorate of Probation thematic report Desistance and young people (September 2017)


This thematic report details the results of the thematic inspection to assess the effectiveness of practice of YOTs across eight domains significant in supporting children’s journey away from offending.


HM Inspectorate of Probation thematic report Desistance and young people is the result of a thematic inspection to assess the effectiveness of practice in YOTs across eight domains which desistance research has highlighted as being significant in supporting children- journeys away from offending.

The eight domains are not necessarily mutually exclusive. They are:

  1. building professional relationships, effective engagement and re-engagement, evidence of genuine collaborative working
  2. evidence of engagement with wider social contexts, especially the family, but also peers, schools, colleges, work etc.
  3. the active management of diversity needs
  4. effectiveness in addressing key ‘structural barriers’ (exclusion from education, training or employment, lack of participation, lack of resources, substance misuse deficits, insufficiency of mental health services
  5. creation of opportunities for change, participation and community integration
  6. motivating children and young people
  7. addressing children and young people- sense of identity and self-worth
  8. constructive use of restorative approaches.

Key findings and recommendations are presented in the report.

Probation thematic report Desistance and young people is the result of a thematic inspection to assess the effectiveness of practice in YOTs across eight domains which desistance research has highlighted as being significant in supporting children- journeys away from offending.

The eight domains are not necessarily mutually exclusive. They are:

  1. building professional relationships, effective engagement and re-engagement, evidence of genuine collaborative working
  2. evidence of engagement with wider social contexts, especially the family, but also peers, schools, colleges, work etc.
  3. the active management of diversity needs
  4. effectiveness in addressing key ‘structural barriers’ (exclusion from education, training or employment, lack of participation, lack of resources, substance misuse deficits, insufficiency of mental health services
  5. creation of opportunities for change, participation and community integration
  6. motivating children and young people
  7. addressing children and young people- sense of identity and self-worth
  8. constructive use of restorative approaches.

Key findings and recommendations are presented in the report.