Intervention Session for Children on Out of Court Disposals – Darlington Youth Offending Service (2017)


Darlington youth offending service have shared their intervention session for children on out of court disposals that looks at impact of future contact with the criminal justice system, impact on the victims and overview of the justice system.


Darlington youth justice service have shared their intervention session (tutor packs and effect cardsdelivered to children on out of court disposals with the aim of increasing their understanding of the impacts of offending behaviour on themselves and others both legally and socially as well as increase their awareness around the justice system, looking at its purpose, the different disposals and terms used.

The sessions can be run in weekly group sessions or in one to one sessions. The intervention pack is typically run over two sessions, the first session focusses on the consequences of offending for example and the second session aims to consolidate the learning.  Where appropriate, children are supported to complete consequential thinking and victim awareness sessions.


Youth justice service Darlington youth justice service
Name: Michael Barr