Junction 21 Mentoring and Advocacy Service – North Somerset YOT


North Somerset Youth Offending and Prevention Service utilisation of Junction 21 Mentoring and Advocacy Service.


North Somerset Youth Offending and Prevention Service currently runs an in-house mentoring, independent visiting and advocacy service for young people through the Junction 21 Mentoring and Advocacy Service. Independent visiting and advocacy being added to the brief as of 01/10/16.

Vulnerable young people are eligible for mentoring for a variety of factors which could include having been placed in Local Authority care, being at risk of offending/ anti-social behaviour, poor educational attainment, or identified as part of a ‘troubled family.’ The majority of young people are not on statutory orders, but may have acceptable behaviour contracts (ABC-) or an out-of-Court disposal.

The main referral sources for mentoring are children- support and safeguarding, the YOS, and the ‘troubled families’ team.

Implementing the Practice:

  • The Programme is funded by North Summerset Council and the YJB
  • Junction 21 is accredited through the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation as an approved provider.
  • Once a mentor has been identified, they are able to work with a young person for up to a year on a weekly basis.
  • After four sessions a review meeting is set up, in order for the young person to agree that they would like to continue with their allocated mentor. At this first review the mentee will set targets for themselves which their mentor supports them to achieve, specifically to look at things that could support them in the future.
  • Every quarter there are review meetings with the mentor and mentee, feedback from parents and carers is gained prior to the review. The case coordinator gains feedback on the relationship from the mentor and mentee and also reviews how the targets are progressing, setting new targets if required.
  • The mentors come from the local communities and have a variety of backgrounds. They receive 24 hours of training spread over eight sessions.
  • Mentors who complete the training achieve a National Open College Network level 2 qualification in mentoring skills.
  • Mentors have monthly group supervision and are offered one to one supervision if required. All matches have an allocated case coordinator and there is also a duty mobile phone to contact if issues arise when mentoring.


YOT: North Somerset Youth Offending and Prevention Service
Name:Mike Rees/Steve Coggins