Looked After Children- Heritage Panel for Ethnic Minorities (Excluding White minorities) – Leicester City Council Children- Social Care and Early Help Division (2016)
Leicester City Council Children- Social Care and Early Help Division have shared their information pack to support running children looked after heritage panel.
Leicester City Council Children- Social Care and Early Help Division have shared their Looked After Children- Heritage Panel Information Pack. The aim of the panel is to promote positive and relevant social work practice and resources in relation to meeting the needs of ethnic minorities (excluding White minorities) children looked after.
The children who fall under the purview of the panel are ethnic minorities (excluding White minorities) children who are cared for by the Local Authority- own Young People- Residential Homes (YPRH-) and Foster Placements; or commissioned by the Local Authority i.e. external Residential and Foster Placements, and Secure Accommodation.
The panel provides a forum to ensure that the specific needs of ethnic minorities (excluding White minorities) are identified and recorded within the child- care/action plan. The panel also monitor the progress of care/action plans to support delivery.
Following the panel, information is feedback to the extended senior management team to promote resources, and to inform future policy and planning in Children’s Services.
Youth justice service: | Leicester youth offending service |
Name: | Karen Manville |
Email: | Karen.Manville@leicester.gov.uk |