Managing Extremism for Under 18s – Community Practice Advice (August 2018)


Guidance developed to support youth offending teams in the identification and management of children’s involvement in extremism.


Managing Extremism for Under 18s Practice Advice  includes the risks of radicalisation and dealing with those arrested and convicted of Terrorist Act 2000 (TACT) offences.  The attached practice advice also includes definitions of extremism and radicalisation, suggests useful sources of information and support and offers advice in relation to service improvements/considerations.

For information, Counter-Terrorism Policing Teams and Counter-Terrorism Custody Managers have also been provided with a practice advice document. Their document highlights:

  • the nuances of working with children and young people,
  • the role of Youth Offending Teams,
  • the role of the placements team
  • and provides information, relevant to the police, from the Crown Prosecution Service Counter-Terrorism Division.