Ministry of Justice Electronic Monitoring Mapmaker – How to draw maps for attendance and exclusion zones (October 2023)


There is no requirement for Youth Justice Services to produce maps, the minimum requirement is a good written descriptor of the zone on the court order/licence, as the EM service provider will then create the map using their mapping software so that monitoring can begin. However, using Mapmaker to draw zones can be useful and certainly regarded as an area of good practice.


MOJ Mapmaker is an accessible, web-based tool for quickly and easily drawing zones for either exclusion or monitored attendance. It is accessible from any device including laptop, tablet, or smartphone, and zones can be created in seconds and saved to files/printed. The HMPPS Electronic Monitoring Business Change and Stakeholder Engagement Team has created a video on that will guide you through the map making process Map Maker video.


Organisation: Electronic Monitoring Programme – HM Prison and Probation Service – Ministry of Justice