NOMS Intervention – Family Talk (July 2016)


This project aims to help children and their families address the risk factors affecting their relationship.


Family Talk provides individual therapy sessions to children and their family who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships.  It is delivered by a Systemic Psychotherapist alongside other professionals, including Social Workers or Psychologists.

Family Talk helps identify risk factors which are impacting on the child- emotional wellbeing and effective resettlement into the community.  Risk factors are then explored and discussed taking everyone- opinions into consideration. 

Family Talk aims to resolve these issues in order for both the child and family to establish a positive and healthy relationship.  Families who use Family Talk are provided with goal progress charts which they can complete during the therapy sessions.

Benefits of Family Talk include; helping develop relationships between family members, providing support for those disclosing sensitive issues and assisting all family members in planning for their future.

Family Talk is flexible in terms of length and delivery, and are generally provided every three weeks depending upon their needs.

Pre Training Requirements for Facilitators:

Facilitators of Family Talk are trained family therapists including; Systemic Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Psychologists and Caseworkers.


Source Organisation:NOMS Young Peoples Estate
Name:Ariane Hanman
Telephone:07580 731065