NOMS Intervention – JETS (July 2016)


This intervention aims to help children develop critical thinking skills and reduce reoffending.

JETS is a CSAAP Accredited cognitive behavioural group Intervention which targets six areas which are shown to be linked to offending behaviour amongst children. These areas are; problem solving, self-control, creative thinking, social perspective taking; values and rational thinking.

It offers children the chance to learn new methods to deal with difficult situations as well as allowing them to feel confident in doing so.  Furthermore, JETS focuses on building relationships with others by helping children improve their social skills as well as perspective-taking.

In order to be effective, JETS takes the child- age, stage of development, risk and need into consideration.  It consists of 25 group sessions supplemented by six individual session.  The group member is expected to participate in a variety of activities including group discussion, games, debates and role-play, if they feel comfortable in doing so.

Pre Training Requirements for Facilitator:

  • NOMS Intervention Services Core Skills assessed training (4 days)
  • NOMS Intervention Services JETS Facilitator assessed training (4 days over five)


Source Organisation:NOMS Young Peoples Estate
Name:Ariane Hanman
Telephone:07580 731065