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Police Custody Animations for Children: Your Rights and Entitlements in Police Custody – County Lines Pathfinder (April 2022)


County Lines Pathfinder have shared and developed two videos to support children understand the process when entering Police custody as well as their rights. 


County Lines Pathfinder have shared two videos, co-created with the National County Lines Coordination Centre to better support children in custody and to streamline and modernise the information provided to them. The videos are made available on handheld devices to every child, vulnerable adult and appropriate adult in the custody arena.

Video 1 – your rights and entitlements in Police custody explained: What happens when I’m taken into Police custody. This video is 4 minutes long and details the journey through custody

Video 2 – your rights and entitlements in Police custody explained: Key legal objectives. This video is around 13 minutes long and highlights rights and entitlements while in Police custody.

It is expected that in the summer of 2022, all 210 Police Investigation Centres in England and Wales will have access to the videos.


Partner Organisation:Norfolk County Council / National County Lines Coordination Centre 
Name: Duncan Evans
Email:  Duncan.Evans@met.police.uk