Police Disruption: Efforts to Disrupt Child Sexual Abuse – Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse (February 2022)


The Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse have published research which covers the Police perspective on disruption techniques and their effectiveness as well as a review of the existing literature on the subject.


Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse have published Police disruption efforts to disrupt child sexual abuse. The research is presented in two parts: a new study highlighting police perspectives on the disruption of child sexual abuse, its effectiveness and practice experiences; and a supporting scoping review of the existing literature on the subject. Both research reports are also available in Welsh.

Police disruption of child sexual abuse: Findings from a national survey of frontline personnel and strategic leads for safeguarding (December 2021). The aim of the research was to identify and better understand current police practice, challenges and enablers in disrupting child sexual abuse. To explore this, researchers conducted an online survey of frontline officers and staff across 32 police force areas in England and Wales, and strategic leads across 20 forces.

Police disruption of child sexual abuse: A scoping review (December 2021). This report sets out the findings from a scoping review to explore the existing literature on the use of disruption measures by police forces in relation to child sexual abuse, and the effectiveness of those measures.