Quality Assurance Process – Tower Hamlets and City of London Youth Justice Service (July 2023)
Tower Hamlets & City of London have shared their quality assurance framework and Operational Guide to Audit Programme, alongside their case audit template and out of court audit template, which was developed and enhanced throughout 2022/2023. Tower Hamlets & City of London youth justice service run a monthly quality and performance board, which is attended by the leadership and management team as well as the learning academy as part of their quality assurance arrangements.
This enables areas of good practice to be shared within the service and partnership, as well as developing improvement actions for areas of practice which requires improvement. As part of the quality assurance arrangements, full-case and dip-sample audits are undertaken monthly concerned with specific themes as well as internal reviews with partners following serious incidents.
Case auditing includes feedback from children and their parent/carers, as well as the allocated practitioner and team manager which feeds directly into changes in practice and identification of good practice.
As part of the monthly quality and performance board evaluations from all service wide training is reviewed to reflect upon whether the aim and desired outcomes have been achieved in addition to considering any further training needed.
Organisation: Tower Hamlets and City of London Youth Justice Service |
Name:: Luke Norbury |
Email: luke.norbury@towerhamlets.gov.uk |