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Recommended Minimum Dataset to Standardise County Lines Data Collection Practices – County Lines Pathfinder (January 2022)


County Lines pathfinder have produced a recommended minimum data set to standardise data collection and support multi-agency working in relation to county lines activity.


Due to the complexities of county lines, recording and sharing data across local authorities and forces varies greatly and data has proven to be one of the biggest challenges when working with Child Criminal Exploitation, County Lines and extra-familial harm.  Identifying lines, those involves and those at risk is a constantly evolving process.

The recommended minimum dataset contains 43 indicators and aims to standardise county lines data collection practices and facilitate multiagency working so that practitioners might more effectively assess and disrupt county lines activity and associated exploitation. Implementation enables a better understanding of risk, comparison and improved data sharing.

County lines pathfinder has also made available a report (2021) concerned with the recommended minimum dataset. This document is intended to act as an introduction and accompaniment to the Recommended Minimum Dataset. It provides an overview of the process through which thet Dataset was developed.

Also available is the recommended minimum data set initial findings report (2021), which includes; background, methodology, data collection, key findings and recommendations.


Youth justice service: Norfolk County Council 
Name:Holly Finlayson
Partner organisation:Traverse Ltd.
Name:Matt Heath