Reconnection to Recovery and Resilience: A Trust-Wide Support Plan – Embark Federation (August 2020)
Summary: | Embark Federation have created a Reconnection Recovery to Resilience Pathway for schools. |
Embark Federation is a group of 9 schools in Derbyshire that work together. They have created, in partnership a reconnection to recovery and resilience plan for schools, in light of COVID-19.
The Federation have provided the webinar slides that showcase the pathway that a school may take in order to support the children and parents as well as the staff working in a school through starting back at school. They have also provided an overview of the reconnection to recovery to resilience pathway through the current COVID-19 pandemic.
You may also find of interest the following video a recovery curriculum part 15: reflections on recovery …reigniting children- learning, hosted by Evidence for Learning.