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Reducing School Exclusions in Merseyside: Delivering Violence Reduction Learning and Guidance – Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership (December 2021)


Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership have shared two guides to support reducing school exclusions.


In light of the many potential inputs and resources available to schools in Merseyside the Violence Reduction Partnership, in consultation with local authority leads, schools and organisations working in this field of work and from other key stakeholders they have developed Delivering violence reduction Learning in schools with External partners: A guide for Merseyside schools.

The Violence Reduction Partnership has also co-created additional guidance when considering permanent exclusion: principles and practical support for Merseyside schools 2020/21. This guide has been produced as an additional narrative for Merseyside schools and does not replace the Department for Education- statutory guidance on exclusions (2017).

The youth justice service recognise the guidance as a professional document and promote it amongst service partners, including education to raise awareness of each Local Authorities menu of support that schools could consider before making a decision to permanently exclude a child from school.


Partner organisation: Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership 
Name:Stephen Collier 
Email: stevecollier@wirral.gov.uk