Reflective Supervision for Case Managers – Tower Hamlets Youth Justice and Family Intervention Service (2018)


The Youth Justice and Family Intervention Service in Tower Hamlets have shared their reflective group supervision model aimed to create space to develop systemic understanding of complex youth justice service cases.


The Youth Justice and Family Intervention Service in Tower Hamlets (YJFIS) has adopted a model of reflective group supervision and have shared their reflective supervision guidelines and genogram used to support reflection on the child and their families.

Two Systemic Family Practitioners coordinate and chair separately, different groups within the team. The reflective group is made up of Family Intervention Project – FIP- practitioners, case managers, practice managers, Out of Court workers as well as Probation worker. The meetings take place on a fortnightly basis and it gives the presenter the opportunity to reflect and create an action plan for the cases that may be generating more concerns and challenges.

Within the reflective supervision model, used in Tower Hamlets, Social Graces (which were developed by a Family Therapist John Burnham and colleagues) are also discussed. The Social Graces represent aspects of difference in beliefs, power and lifestyle, visible and invisible, voiced and unvoiced that we need to pay attention while interacting with colleagues and young people/adults that we work with.

Some of the way that information is gathered and presented can be amended and altered to really acknowledge the unique needs and curiosities of the group. For example, although one of the groups uses and focuses on the Social Graces, the other group has chosen to use Signs of Safety to support them to identify strengths, concerns and risks for the cases they present.

Tower Hamlets have found that the team reflection has enhanced the culture of collaboration within the service.

Implementing the Practice:

  • The Systemic Family Practitioner who is also part of the YJFIS chairs the reflective group.
  • The reflective supervision occurs every fortnight for 2 hours.
  • At the end of each meeting one or two cases are identified for discussion for the following meeting.
  • An Assistant Psychologist is responsible for minute taking and emails them to the relevant staff.
  • Each case presented comes back for discussion in at a future date (The case manager feedbacks to the team, sharing outcomes and highlighting the team- contributions).


Youth Justice Service:Youth Justice and Family Intervention Service (Tower Hamlet YJS)