COVID-19 Reparation Tasks – Bedfordshire Youth Offending Service (May 2020)
Summary: | Some examples of reparation tasks being undertaken by Bedfordshire YOS during COVID-19. |
- Support children to complete at least some of the reparation hours during COVID-19 safely.
Bedfordshire Youth Offending Service have created a series of reparation tasks that can be done at home during COVID for children aged between 10-17. The tasks have been created in order to support children to complete at least a part of their reparation hours, during COVID-19, but are also compliant and can be used as AQA awards evidence. Bedfordshire have also provided an additional example of a task that could be completed.
Once the tasks are completed, the children email back the evidence to their case manager, who then discuss the work completed and together agree the number of hours that should be awarded. The work created is also shared with the Referral Order panel.
To note, the tasks are unable to support the children to complete large number of hours, and therefore, for some children it will not be possible to complete all the hours.
Implementing the practice:
- The children, case manager and reparation coordinator discuss and agree together which tasks are suitable for that individual child.
- Children are encouraged to do as many of the tasks as reasonable, in order to help reduce their reparation hours.
- Bedfordshire YOS do not provide the children with specific materials, as the tasks use materials that children already have at home or recycling.
Youth Offending Team: | Bedfordshire youth offending service |
Name: | Chris Moss |
Email: | |