Rights, Respect, Responsibility Intervention Programme – Bradford Youth Offending Team (2017)


Rights, Respect, Responsibility is a personal development programme, which is run by Bradford youth justice service.


Rights, Respect, Responsibility (RRR) is a personal development programme, run by HIMMAT, on behalf of Bradford Youth Offending Team since 2008. The programme aims to instil a sense of belonging amongst children and encourages tolerance, mutual respect and community cohesion. The programme seeks to provide an understanding of rights, the importance of freedom of speech, the responsibilities we have towards each other and how we can contribute to creating a sense of community cohesion. During the programme, the benefits derived from multiculturalism and the negatives that have resulted from it i.e. racism, segregation and people being stereotyped in their appearance or beliefs are also explored.

The programme offers six modules, run over six weeks, one hour per session and is delivered to children on Referral Orders of more than three months.

The programme can be tailored to take into account the young person- offence by amending some of the session content. The sessions can be delivered in group as well as 1:1 with children.

Implementing the Practice:

  • Bradford YOT refer children on Referral Orders to the programme
  • Following the referral HIMMAT undertake an initial consultation with the YOT caseworker to gather a more detailed insight into each child.
  • HIMMAT run the programme on behalf of the YOT
  • HIMMAT update Bradford YOT case management system following each session
  • HIMMATT undertake an informal weekly meeting with the relevant YOT caseworker to provide a verbal update on the progress of each child.


Youth Justice Service: Bradford Youth Offending Team
Name: Basharat Hussain
E-mail: basharat.hussain@bradford.gov.uk
Source Organisation: HIMATT
Name: Kamran Zulff
E-mail: kamran@himmat.org