
Scoping exercise to gather examples of good practice in supporting girls in the community (October 2023)


This submission is made up of two documents. The first document provides an overview of the scoping exercise and includes an evidence summary on supporting girls as well as the key trends and challenges identified through the exercise.

The second document is a table which provides a summary of projects and programmes led by YJS’ that have been designed to specifically meet the needs of girls. Some examples of good practice include strategies, specialist projects and services as well as one-to-one support and group interventions covering a range of needs experienced by girls.


The purpose of the scoping exercise was to understand what YJS’ have in place to support girls in the community and to capture any examples of good practice. A request was shared with YJS practitioners, the information received was then collated into a table. The overview provides some background information on the needs of girls within the YJS and a brief evidence summary which provides some context around supporting girls as well as the key trends and challenges identified through the scoping exercise.

The scoping exercise identified a number of programmes and projects developed and led by various YJS’ to specifically meet the needs of girls. Some projects are centred around life skills, targeting girls at risk of exploitation and some projects sought to teach emotional regulation and confidence.  Some projects had been co-designed with the girls using the service and there was a focus on practitioners developing support in alignment with the views of the girls. The documents could be a useful resource for practitioners across the youth justice system as it provides an overview of current practice and some evaluative and reflective points.

  1. Overview of scoping exercise- supporting girls in the community
  2. Summary of examples of good practice in supporting girls in the community


Organisation: Youth Justice Board
Name: Liz Opoku
Email:  Elizabeth.Opoku@yjb.gov.uk