Screening and Assessment Tool and Case Planning Templates – Lancashire youth justice service (2021)

Diversion screening and assessment tool and case planning template used with children who are at risk of entering the criminal justice system.

Lancashire youth justice service have created a screening tool, which is used alongside their shortened assessment tool and case planning template, which are used by practitioners and practice managers whilst working with children who are at risk of entering the criminal justice system (Prevention and Diversion).
Attached below are:

  • Diversion Screening and Consultation Tool – which is the screening and consultation tool when working with children that may benefit and are eligible for diversion away from the criminal justice system.
  • Assessment tool and case planning template – assists practitioners to complete holistic assessments, consider effective planning and provides reflective time with their manager, whilst ensuring effective case management oversight.

The assessment tool and case planning template uses similar language and principles as AssetPlus. The tool allows practitioners to focus on strengths and desistance in order to plan effective interventions and consider diversionary activities. The shortened assessment and case planning should be used alongside YJB self-assessments and screening tools.

Implementing the Practice:

  • Practitioners complete the attached screening tool to help consider if the child is eligible for diversion, and if appropriate complete the assessment tool.
  • Prior to the assessment being finalised a reflective case discussion is completed using the case planning template.
  • Where a child is identified as having complex needs consideration is given as to whether a full AssetPlus is required.
  • The assessment is saved on the management system.
  • The assessment is shared and co-created with other relevant agencies that are involved with the child and family.


Youth justice service: Lancashire youth justice service
Name: Martha Banks