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Sefton Community Youth Connectors


A project to support the emotional wellbeing of girls aged 8 – 15yrs old at risk of poor mental health, offending, anti-social behaviour and exploitation.


  • The project was prompted by concerns about girls in Sefton’s youth justice cohort who had poor emotional health and were at risk of committing offences and potentially being at risk exploitation
  • The intention of the project was to identify girls who have low level emotional concerns and offer early intervention through 1:1 support within an educational setting before they have any involvement in the youth justice system.
  • The Connector programme supports to girls to access wider services, enhance mental wellbeing, increase emotional resilience and raise awareness of keeping safe.
  • The Connectors are trauma / ACE trained and have access to a number of tools, resources, training and interventions.
  • The Connectors receive referrals via schools to support on a 1:1 basis with children rather than through a referral into local authority led routes.  This enables visibility and accessibility of the role to build relationships and engage children and families.

Evaluation of the Youth Connectors’ Programme Sefton


Name:Amie Clarke / Ros Stanley
Email:amie.clarke@sefton.gov.uk & Rosanna.stanley@sefton.gov.uk