Serious Case Reviews Overview – Various (updated July 2023)

Summary: Access to several briefings concerned with learning following serious case reviews.


The College of Policing have published a short briefing exploitation, county lines, threats and weapons: learning from two serious case review, following the death of Chris (Newham) and Child C (Waltham Forest).

Hillingdon Local Authority Safeguarding Partnership have published the independent review into the circumstances surrounding the murder of Hakim Sillah which occurred on the 7th November 2019. The report examines the sequence of events leading up to the murder and the immediate aftermath. A variety of key issues have been that arise from this tragedy and make recommendations to the London Borough of Hillingdon and others that are designed to prevent a similar tragedy occurring in the future.

Brighton & Hove Local Safeguarding Children Board commissioned a serious case reviews and exploitation through radicalisation report to evaluate multi-agency responses to vulnerable ychildren at risk of exploitation through radicalisation. It follows the deaths of two brothers, ‘W’ and ‘X,’ in Syria in 2014. They had received services from local agencies in the Brighton & Hove area before leaving the UK.

The Department for Education has published an analysis of serious case reviews: 2014 to 2017.  Using the study, Research in Practice have produced six briefings for various professional sectors.

Berkshire West Safeguarding Children Partnership commissioned a local child safeguarding practice review (Wokingham), following the arrest and conviction of Harry, a 13 year old child for a serious violent crime.  Harry, in his early childhood had been diagnosed with a developmental disability. This condition affected his understanding of what behaviour was socially acceptable, his understanding of consequences, and his assessment of risk.  The review seeks to consider ways to improve the way agencies work together to safeguard children/young people and uses the experiences of Harry and his family, to identify learning.