Serious Youth Violence Stocktake and Data Toolkit – YJB (January 2021)
Access to the Serious Youth Violence Stocktake to support self assessment for YJSs and partners in regards to reducing youth violence.
The Serious Youth Violence Stocktake is an optional method of self-assessment for youth justice services (YJSs). This tool has been created to provide YJS managers with the opportunity and means to reflect on the service they and their partners provide. It is designed to help them see gaps and strengths in the work they are doing to reduce serious youth violence.
The Stocktake has been available since February 2020 and has been refreshed based on use and feedback from YJSs; specifically the SYV Network. Thus far, tools have been shown to improve partnership working through initiating a conversation about the service provided for children involved in serious youth violence.
Please note, that the Serious Youth Violence data toolkit is only available for YJSs. It contains a breakdown of published data, and more recent provisional, management information. Furthermore, individual YOTs are able to access demographic data. The SYV Data Toolkit will be updated quarterly and is available to YJSs via the Youth Justice Application Framework Document Library.