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Swindon YJS Kindness Room  


To support children and families by providing free household equipment and food that can be taken home from the office.


The Kindness room has been filled by donations from the local community and staff. One of the recent staff activities was a challenge to engage with the local community and in doing this, donations that can support children and families have been received. The service has also partnered with the local food bank who provide food bank vouchers but also small food parcels of long life good that makes meals and can be taken by children and families in need.

The kindness room and food parcels are located within the Youth Justice Service building, while the room is small, it has created a big impact. Children can take what they need from the room be this a slow cooker, hygiene kit or carrier bag of food. All electrical items are donated as brand new and in original packaging.

The ethos of the service is about showing care for the children and this approach creates a recursive impact where children feel cared about and are more likely to reciprocate in showing care for others.  

Having the ability to provide for the basic of needs of children, some of whom are the most vulnerable in society helps to remove some of the concern and worry they have, supports the practice of seeing the child first and helps enable them to focus on the other work being completed by the YJS.


Name: Andrew Whitehouse  