This comprehensive guidance document from Lincolnshire Youth Justice Service has been developed to inform youth justice practitioners on ‘writing to the child’.
This short film has been produced by the Mighty Creatives, and is co-produced with children who have experienced a range of assessments, including youth justice assessments.
Leicestershire Youth Justice Service have stylised the YJB’s Child First Self-Assessment Toolkit which can be used with children. This Child Self-Assessment resource should be used alongside the prevention and diversion assessment.
The Child First Self-Assessment toolkit is a self-led resource which invites organisations to consider how far into the Child First journey they may be.
Summary: The YJB has launched a new assessment tool for youth justice services working with children subject to prevention, diversion and formal out-of-court disposals. The tool has been developed with a number of key partners, including youth justice practitioners, academics and HM Inspectorate of Probation.
The Youth Justice board has introduced a new assessment tool which must be used for all cases that are subject to diversion and out-of-court intervention. The tool has been developed with consultation with a number of key partners, including front line practitioners, academics, HMIP and others. The use of the new assessment tool is optional for cases that are considered prevention.
Summary The child first pathfinder, lead by Bradford youth justice service have shared a variety of resources in regard to their implementation and delivery of a child first diversion model. Description The following resources have been developed by the Bradford child first diversion Pathfinder. Within this submission, you will be able to access a range…
Child Impact Assessment Toolkit for Children whose Father/Parent is Going Through the Criminal Justice System: This is Me – Families Outside (December 2022)
Summary: Access to a co-created toolkit for professional working with children whose father/parent is going through the criminal justice system to ensure their voice ad support needs are identified.
Summary Barnsley Youth Justice Service have shared their liaison and diversion process including assessment tool and associated information to support implementing a triage panel. Description Barnsley Youth Justice Service have shared a practice example, providing detail on implementation, delivery, a case example, lessons learned, practice evaluations and future developments of their triage panel. The triage…
Summary Child First Pathfinder have shared their learning and key elements that support the creation and embedding of a child first diversion service offer for children. Description The Child First Pathfinder lead by Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service came to an end in April 2022. It focused on embedding and sharing child-first principles in…