Summary The Serious Youth Violence Pathfinder have shared their final report which looks at Newcastle- a comparatively high rate of first-time entrants, but with relatively few children going on to commit serious youth violence. Description The Serious Youth Violence Pathfinder looked to understand why Newcastle was distinctive amongst the core cities in having a comparatively…
Summary: Final evaluation summary and report of the West Midlands Pathfinder work in relation to working effectively with parents and carers through Kitchen Table Talks.
County Lines Pathfinder Overview and Emerging Youth Justice Practice in Preventing, Identifying and Disrupting County Lines Exploitation – County Lines Pathfinder (Updated March 2023)
Summary An overview of the work produced by the County Lines Pathfinder. Description County Lines Pathfinder concluded in April 2022, it comprised 25 programme streams that looked to support children, families and practitioners to support children who are at risk or being exploited through county lines. Below are all the knowledge and information shared…
Serious Youth Violence and its Relationship with Adverse Childhood Experiences Research Report – Manchester Youth Justice Service Pathfinder (June 2021)
Summary Access to the research report from Manchester Metropolitan University in regards to serious youth violence and its relationship to adverse childhood experiences within Manchester Youth Justice. Description Manchester Metropolitan University published, serious youth violence and its relationship with adverse childhood experience (2021) report. The report was commissioned by Manchester Youth Justice Service, and funded…
Summary Access to the full report from Power The Fight in regards to the cultural responses to trauma and serious youth violence using therapeutic intervention for peace approach. Aims Description The project aimed to build resilience, by delivering culturally sensitive interventions in groups and on a one to one basis to children, parents/carers and teaching…
Summary Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton services work in partnership with First Cass Legacy to run monthly meetings for parents whose children attend the youth justice service. Description Following the positive outcomes of Kitchen Table Talks, which were first established in Sandwell youth offending service, a new project focused on reducing serious…
Summary: Access to information and evaluation of the Safer Relationships for Exploited Children Team Project (SAFE) for children to the service and who are at moderate or significant risk of criminal exploitation.
Summary: Link to the Innovate project, which looks at addressing extra-familial risk and harm including child sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation, peer-on-peer harm, gang affiliation, and serious youth violence. Description: The Innovate Project is a four-year research study funded at £1.9million by the Economic and Social Research Council (one of the UK research councils),…