Building on Friendships to Create Safety Podcast: Intervention for Children at Risk of Exploitation and Their Peers to Build Safety – Trauma Informed Pathfinder (March 2022)
Summary The link to a podcast for the Contextualised Safeguarding Network concerning their group work intervention with children at risk of exploitation and their friendship group to build safety. Description The Trauma Informed Pathfinder led by the East Sussex youth offending team has participated in a podcast on building friendships to create safety (March 2022)…
Summary Access to reducing the criminalisation of children in care and care leavers protocol for Wales. Description The Welsh government have published Reducing the Criminalisation of Children in Care and Care Leavers: all Wales Protocol (March 2022). The protocol is a framework for good practice for those working with care-experienced children up to the age of…
Summary Suffolk County Lines Pathfinder have shared a resource, associated evaluation and further resources aimed at supporting professionals in increasing their confidence in working with those children who experience exploitation. Description Suffolk County Lines Pathfinder have shared their identifying elements of cultural competence within a child criminal exploitation cohort (please be aware that some of…
Summary Short video produced by the Youth Justice Board concerning trauma informed practice. Description The Youth Justice Board have published a short video around Trauma Informed Practice for the October 2021 developing practice forums in England. The video is a universal resource, which contains references to Wales. The video can be used in team meetings…
Summary Review and summary concerned with what is currently known about children and young people across welfare, youth justice and mental health secure settings in England and Wales. Description The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory have published What do we know about children and young people deprived of their liberty in England and Wales? An evidence review…
Summary The Adverse Child Experience Support Hub Wales have produced two key papers looking at trauma informed terminology and identification of Welsh run projects/interventions/programmes and their terminology. Description The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Support Hub Wales have published a variety of reports that may be of interest including: The aim of the paper and project…
Summary Southwark youth justice service have shared their trauma informed weapons awareness programme to support children-desistance journey. Description The Stay Safe Trauma Informed Weapons Awareness Programme (TiWAP) delivered by the Southwark Youth Justice Service is a 6-week programme which aims to reduce the prevalence of knife carrying and use by children, increase children- knowledge and awareness…