Volunteer Agreement – Various YOTs in England and YJB Template (October 2020)

Summary: Attached are the volunteer agreements which are used in Dorset Combined YS, Nottingham YOT and Tameside YOT. 
Age: n/a
Sex: n/a
Cost: n/a



  • Ensure that both the volunteer and the YOT have an agreement around each other- roles, responsibilities and expectations



The volunteer agreement- attached below are a description of the arrangement between the Youth Justice Service and the volunteer and are from:

  • Dorset Combined Youth Offending Service
  • Nottingham YOT
  • Tameside YOT
  • YJB template



Implementing the practice:

  • The agreement is discussed and agreed following successful recruitment and training of the volunteer.
  • A copy of the agreement is shared with the volunteer for their records.


Youth offending team: Dorset Combined Youth Offending Service
Name: Julie Mackay
Email: Julie.mackay@bcpcouncil.gov.uk
Youth offending team: Nottingham YOT
Name: John Wright
Email: John.Wright@nottscc.gov.uk
Youth offending team: Tameside YOT
Name:  Amanda Smith
Email: amanda.smith@tameside.gov.uk