Working with the Trauma Recovery Model – Cwm Taf Pathfinder (August 2021)
Access to a variety of tools developed by Cwm Taf youth offending service, which look at the first three tiers of the Trauma Recovery Mode
Attached below are a variety of tools developed by Cwm Taf youth offending service, these look at the first three tiers (levels) of the Trauma Recover Model and how youth justice services can work with children assessed to be at each level.
Cwm Taf youth offending service have produced a guide around trauma and ACE informed approach, which should be read together with the below tools:
Assessment trauma recovery model
Looks at assessment through a trauma-informed lens.
Creating a safe base: Level 1 Trauma Recovery Model
Assessments completed with children who have experienced trauma, often highlight the absence of stable living arrangements and positive personal relationships as factors which contribute to negative or challenging behaviours. This paper discusses how practitioners when delivering interventions can help children to experience the YOT as a safe place. Creating a safe base may be the main or only focus of the intervention; is a prerequisite to the success of other interventions; and can provide the foundation on which to deliver other interventions. The paper includes a case study of how the techniques discussed were put into practice.
Trust/relationship building: Level 2 Trauma Recovery Model
Once a practitioner has created a safe base and the child is keeping most appointments, interventions can seek to build on this foundation by focusing on developing trusting relationships with key workers. This paper discusses how techniques associated with relationship-building can be incorporated into work with children and their families. Case studies are used to illustrated the approaches taken.
Working through trauma: Level 3 Trauma Recovery Model
When children have experienced a period of stability and have been provided with the opportunity to develop positive attachments with trusted adults, they may start to recover from the trauma they have experienced and be more attuned to their own feelings. They may start to reflect on their previous lives and the trauma they have experienced. It- extremely important that practitioners carefully assess any presenting behaviours to distinguish between behaviours that may indicate unmet need and behaviours that are a result of the recovery process (need being met). This period is often characterised by a period of desistance where previous behaviours are less frequent or severe, followed by a period where the child- behaviour is once again challenging. This paper discusses how children who have reached this stage can be supported with case studies to demonstrate what this support looks like in practice.
Note: For further information around working in a trauma-informed way with children, Cwm taf YOS have also developed the following tools:
Making Assessment Trauma Informed – Cwm Taf Pathfinder (July 2021)
Pathway and Planning Assessment – Cwm Taf Pathfinder (August 2021)
Youth justice service: | Cwm Taf Pathfinder |
Name: | Claire Williams |
Email: | |