Young Women Surviving the Criminal Justice System: Young Women- Justice Project Final Report – Agenda Alliance for Women and Girls at Risk and Alliance for Youth Justice (March 2022)
Agenda Alliance for Women and Girls at Risk and the Alliance for Youth Justice have published a report to make the case for the needs of girls and young women aged 17 to 25 in contact with the criminal justice system.
Agenda Alliance for Women and Girls at Risk and the Alliance for Youth Justice have published their final report examining the needs of young women in the criminal justice system, who are often overlooked in policy and are a minority in the criminal justice system due to both age and gender.
The report examines the following: Young women- pathways into the criminal justice system, their experience of the criminal justice system, the challenges faced by care-experienced young women, and Black, Asian and minoritised young women and the impact on them.
The report is informed by qualitative analysis of 18 interviews of girls and young women (aged 17 to 28) with lived experience, as well as one focus group involving a further six young women. The report provides an overview of key concerns and issues for young women in the justice system and makes recommendations of changes needed to better support their needs.The report builds on the following work which may be of interest: