
Youth Participation Strategy – Lancashire Child First Pathfinder (April 2022)


Lancashire Child First Pathfinder have shared their participation in practice strategy which aims to develop participation opportunities for children and families.


Lancashire Child First Pathfinder have shared their participation in practice (2021-2023) strategy which aims to develop participation opportunities for children and families. The strategy was produced collaboratively with children and practitioners and a child-accessible version of the strategy has also been produced. The purpose is to enable children to understand what participation is and how it could benefit them
To support staff participation, Lancashire child first Pathfinder have also produced a training presentation for staff members. The purpose is to provide learning and development opportunities to ensure staff have the necessary skills to engage children and families in participation work. They have also shared their Menti supporting guide for staff running the training.


Youth Justice Service:
 Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service
 Mica Aspinwall
Email: mica.aspinwall@lancashire.gov.uk