About data at the YJB
As part of our statutory oversight function, we use information and evidence to form an expert view of how to get the best outcomes for children who offend and for victims of crime. At the YJB we use the data we collect from youth justice services, alongside statistics published by other departments to identify key themes and trends to form part of the evidence base.
Our data helps inform a variety of users, such as policy makers, academics, the voluntary and community sector, about children in the youth justice system.
Key documents include the annual publication of the Youth Justice Statistics and the Data Recording Requirements.
For any queries about our statistics, data or related guidance please contact the YJB Statistics & Analysis team.
Our data: recently published data and guidance
Our dashboards: recently published dashboards
- This dashboard looks at stop and searches involving children aged 10 to 17 in England and Wales and is based on the Police Powers and Procedures statistics published by the Home Office on an annual basis.
- In the Outcomes of Search the following categories have been grouped together within Other Outcomes for display purposes due to small numbers: ‘Caution’, ‘Guardian Intervention’, ‘Khat or Cannabis Warning’, ‘Other Action’, ‘Penalty Notice for Disorder’, ‘Seizure of Property’, ‘Summons’, ‘Verbal Warning or Words of Advice’ and ‘Voluntary Attendance’.
- In the Reasons for Search, the following categories have been grouped together within Other Reasons for display purposes due to small numbers: ‘Anticipation of Violence’, ‘Firearms’, ‘Other’ and ‘Terrorism Act 2000 section 43’.
- The % of stop and searches involving children is based on the total number of stop and searches where age is known.
- The population is based on Census 2021 data and may differ from Police Powers and Procedures rates which use mid-year estimate population data.
- Rates per 10,000 in the population are based on searches within the Police Force Area and population within the Police Force Area. Searches data will include searches of people not normally resident in the area.
Other useful data sources
- Criminal Justice Statistics
- Knife and offensive weapon sentencing statistics
- Police powers and procedures England and Wales statistics
- Safety in the Children and Young People Secure Estate