Our blogs and webinars explore evidence-based practice in youth justice. They cover diverse topics and provide valuable insights, analysis and practical tips from experts in the field.
YJB Blog Resources
Turning the tide: transforming children’s lives on the Isle of Wight
By Steph Roberts-Bibby, YJB Chief Executive Officer I visited the Isle of Wight’s youth justice service (YJS) to learn more about the great work the team is doing as part of its improvement journey. After a bracing ferry trip, we travelled to the YJS’s head office, set within Newport Town County Hall. Pastel Victorian shopfronts…
This webinar provides youth justice professionals with information on how to facilitate the implementation of Child First justice (especially tenet three of the vital importance of children as full collaborators in decision-making about matters affecting them) in practice in organisations across the youth justice system. During the webinar, researchers Dr Kathy Hampson, Aberystwyth University, Andrea…
As his 6 and a half year tenure came to a close in August, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice Neal Hazel reflects on his time as a Board member. 1. Tell us a little about you and your work history? My research has always been focused on young people and families. My PhD and…
The YJB’s girls working group is a space for professionals working with girls in the youth justice sector to share best practice. In this webinar we hear from both Coventry Youth Justice Service and Cardiff Youth Justice Service on their approaches to working with girls, as well as Dr Gilly Sharpe from the University of…
As I come to the end of my tenure as a YJB Board member, I find myself reflecting on the past 6 years with a mix of pride, gratitude, and a bit of nostalgia. When I was invited to join the YJB in 2018, I saw it as an opportunity to use my experience in understanding…
The Child First Self-Assessment toolkit is a self-led resource which invites organisations to consider how far into the Child First journey they may be.
Summary: The YJB has launched a new assessment tool for youth justice services working with children subject to prevention, diversion and formal out-of-court disposals. The tool has been developed with a number of key partners, including youth justice practitioners, academics and HM Inspectorate of Probation.
There is evidence about the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on behaviour and the potential for linking children who have experienced trauma to become involved in the criminal justice system (including serious youth violence). There is growing interest in trauma because of a need to find responses which will assist children who have multiple…